Trouble at the Valencommune: Reviews & Merchandising |
Critical acclaim for Trouble at the Valencommune:
- "I think you are quite, quite mad."
- Philip Sainty (now himself one of the cast of nijits)
- "Egads! How distressing. Reminds me a
lot of the whole volume of stories some friends and I passed around
during grade 12 philosophy. With such titles as 'The Adventures of
Subway Steve and the Polka-Dot Moose' and 'War of the Fruit'."
- Brett Allen
- "An amazing tour de farce!"
- Damon er... wait... somebody important and famous, I mean.

Starring Arnold Schwarzenegger as The Guy Who Wasn't Actually In The Book But We Figured Would Boost Movie Sales!
Coming soon to a theatre near you!
Trouble at the Valencommune
Now available in stylish bendable plastic! You too can own
life-like replicas of the intrepid Piquet, Sage, Kalaleq, Todd, and
their friend Christine.
- Piquet really becomes a cat! Life-like morphing!
- Kalaleq becomes a squooshy blob if exposed to sunlight for
over twelve hours!
- Sage comes with her own IV coffee bag! Fill it up and watch
her go!
- Todd's eyes really turn blue!
- Christine gets really mad if you break her teacups!
Collect them all!
And for a limited time, we're also offering cuddly Mr. Saaa and Ellen
Cairo dolls! Velcro hugs!
Get yours today!
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Story copyright © 1996-98 by the writers.
Web page design and graphics copyright © 1996-98 by Damon Harper.
All rights reserved.